Provilac homogenised cow milk is milked from Holstein Friesian cows at our farm near Someshwar, Baramati. This milk is automatically milked, and packaged with zero human contact. As homogenised the cream does not separate, thus giving you a wholesome taste in every sip. Savor the essence of health with our farm-fresh, full-fat cream milk, milked from Holstein Fresian crossbred cows. We guarantee purity—no antibiotics, no hormone injections. Enjoy preservative-free, homogenized & pasteurized cow milk, delivered to your door. Opt for our flexible daily/alternate day subscription plan, ensuring the highest quality with stringent multi parameter daily testing before delivery.
Best for
Not recommended for
Nutritional Values (per serving 200ml)
Antibiotic-free, Hormone-free, Non-standardised, Homogenised & Pasteurised Milk from Holstein Friesian Cows.Calcium
126 cal
The special coffee frappe

Protein milk - 250 ml, Avocado - 1, Coffee powder - 1 tsp & Vanilla icecream
Cooking time
5 mins prep, Serves 2 people
1/3 cup Protein milk. You can use 2%, whole milk, or a blend of protein milk half-and-half. 1-1/2 cups ice cream. Vanilla makes a good base for most shakes, or you can use a flavor like chocolate.
Our little secret...
Delicious mix-ins! ... The avacado in the blender, of course. Serve chilled!
Pineapple, Mango & Avocado smoothie

1/2 cup milk,1 & 1/2 cup spinach,half cup avocado,chunks of pineapple,mango & orange
Cooking time
5 Min preparation, No cooking required
Pour the milk and orange into a blender before adding the spinach, pineapple, mango and avocado. Pulse to combine. Add the honey(optional) and blend until smooth.
Our little secret...
Use Ripe avocado, peeled and pitted